Scratching Post
Many years ago I suffered with a condition called eczema. Severe itching and redness
between my fingers, neck and face. After visiting a dermatologist and taking a biopsy, I
found out that I indeed did have a type of eczema. Little did I know that there are
hundreds of types of eczema. I was prescribed a cream to relieve the itching. The
cream that was prescribed cost $700 and that was after a coupon for $350. Yikes!
Healed Before You Are Healed
Faith heals the spirit. Faith heals the soul. When we say, “if you are willing,” we are already healed. When we accept the Lord’s will, we are saying, “I accept whatever outcome you have for me, because I trust you will be with me either way.”

Why I Include Balance In All My Classes
If you are over 50 and have been to the doctor recently, you might have noticed the questioning has changed somewhat. The question “have you fallen” shows up on the list as they are taking our history. And for good reason, as we age our balance does indeed become a problem. The CDC reports that falls among adults 65 and older caused over 36,000 deaths in 2020, making it the leading cause of injury death for that group. Can Yoga assist in preventing falls? I think the answer is yes. Here are just a few reasons yoga can assist in preventing falls.

A Little Bird Told Me
Don’t bad-mouth your leaders, not even under your breath,
And don’t abuse your betters, even in the privacy of your home.
Loose talk has a way of getting picked up and spread around.
Little birds drop the crumbs of your gossip far and wide.
Ecclesiastes 10:20 The Message