Scratching Post

Many years ago I suffered with a condition called eczema.  Severe itching and redness between my fingers, neck and face.  After visiting a dermatologist and taking a biopsy, I found out that I indeed did have a type of eczema.  Little did I know that there are hundreds of types of eczema.  I was prescribed a cream to relieve the itching.  The cream that was prescribed cost $700 and that was after a coupon for $350.  Yikes!  I pulled out of the drive through pharmacy line without the drug.  On my drive home, I made the decision to take control of my health once and for all.  I had already begun to dabble in alternative/integrative medicine.  Now before I go on, let me tell you that I am not against Western medicine.  I always say if I break a bone take me to the hospital.  Don’t try to treat me with holistic medicine. 

Taking control of my health was the best decision I made for me and how I chose to live my life daily.  I continue to read, research and study diligently about other options for health.  I have studied Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda and Integrative western medicine.  We are so blessed to have so many research tools to include books, the internet and our ancestors who provide us with a wealth of information.  Along my journey, I have learned that not everything works for everyone.  God created us as unique individuals, no two fingerprints the same. Why would we think that all treatment plans are the same for everyone yet when you are diagnosed with most diseases the treatment plan is often the same for everyone. 

Back to the eczema story….. After much research I found that the gut was the problem and toxic overload in my body.  My daughter had begun her journey into a certification in Ayurveda and together with her teacher put together a plan to heal my gut.  Slow lifestyle changes.  Ayurveda is NOT a diet but a lifestyle.  Simple doable changes and not a jar of expensive cream that would only attack the external not the internal gut issues.  Healing begins in the gut and moves outward.  Now I know the symptoms that creep in and let me know that I am out of balance.  I can immediately turn it around without having a flare up. 

The other part of my journey has been about slowing down and taking care of myself emotionally, spiritually and mentally as well as physically.  Stay tune for more about those disciplines. 

In good health,



Healed Before You Are Healed